A deposit of €2,000 of the tour per person is required at the time of reservation. The tour price is defined as the tour, plus any extensions purchased less all applied discounts at the time of booking. A second installment will be due on 6th January 2025. The final payment is due on 9th June 2025. Reservations will be cancelled if the final payment is not received in a timely manner. It is a condition of our confirmation of your booking and acceptance of your tour that these monies may be disbursed by us as and when we see fit or in respect of the services to be provided or fees payable under the tour program, and the payment of a deposit shall be deemed to be a direction to disburse such monies as aforesaid.

Any bookings made after 6th January 2025 must pay €2,000 and the first instalment as deposit.

Any bookings made after 9th June 2025 must be paid in full at the time of booking.

Hermes Holidays reserves the right to cancel the reservation and apply cancellation charges should payments not be received within the above-specified periods.

Should you be unable to attend a fee of €100 per person, per transaction, will be charged for any guest name change after the booking is confirmed, unless the change increases the value of the booking. It will be the guest's sole responsibility to find someone to take their booking. A guest name change within 100 days of departure will be treated as a cancellation subject to our cancellation policy and a new reservation must be made. Cancellation fees (as shown below) will apply.

We hope nothing will come between you and your tour with Hermes Holidays. Should you need to cancel your booking your cancellation must be received by us in writing. It will be effective on the date of receipt. Cancellation charges are per person and based upon the date of cancellation, and are as follows:


Over 180 days

180 - 89 Days

90 - 60 Days

Less than 60 days


Loss of Deposit

35% of the fare

50% of the fare

100% of the fare


These include, but are not limited to airfares to and from your destination; airport/departure taxes; excess baggage charges; aircraft seat assignments; Arrival and departure transfers, meals not detailed in the itinerary, cost of passports and visas; taxes; laundry; phone calls; all items of a personal nature; items not included on regular menus or drinks that are not included with meals; expenses for additional sightseeing not specified in the itinerary; and health, accident, baggage, or travel protection plans.


Hermes Holidays strongly recommends that all passengers purchase COMPREHENSIVE Travel insurance. Please ensure you have purchased the appropriate amount of travel insurance for any losses, cancellations, medical requirements or injuries, or other events that could unfold.


Hermes Holidays allows one (1) suitcase, one (1) carry-on bag, and one (1) personal bag (handbag, computer case, etc.) per person onboard their motor coaches. These restrictions will be enforced as coaches have limited storage.  Airlines may have additional baggage restrictions and may impose additional fees for checked baggage and/or excess baggage. Additional taxes and surcharges may be collected by foreign governments and non-government entities. Keep an eye on your baggage—it is your responsibility throughout the trip. Hermes Holidays are not responsible for loss, theft, and damage to baggage and/or personal belongings. Please ensure you have enough insurance coverage to cover all of your belongings.


A valid passport is required to travel on all Hermes Holidays programs. Passports must be valid for at least six (6) months after the scheduled return date of the trip. You should check with your travel agent or applicable Consulate Service for information regarding any necessary visas and other documentation.

Any visa(s) or other documentation required for a particular itinerary is the sole responsibility of the guest. Hermes Holidays will not be responsible for advising and/or obtaining required travel documentation for any passenger, or for any delays, damages and/or losses, including missed portions of your trip, related to improper travel documentation.

Due to government-imposed security/immigration measures, passport information and emergency contact information are required for all passengers prior to the release of documentation.


Hermes Holidays has been operating in Europe for a number of years. You can count on their experience and regional knowledge to make sure you enjoy your tour even when conditions beyond our control occur. There may be times when weather or other conditions in a region require us to make adjustments and/or modifications to an itinerary. Although every effort will be made to keep itineraries, accommodations, and inclusions as they are shown in the brochure, we reserve the right to substitute any of them if deemed necessary by the company. In such cases, we will do everything we can to make sure the locations visited, the excursions taken or the accommodations offered are similar to the ones originally planned. Any changes to itineraries will not result in eligibility for a refund. Itineraries are subject to change without notice and may need to be altered specifically because of conditions outside of our control including but not limited to extreme weather or bad traffic. Guests who choose to cancel or interrupt their tour due to an itinerary change will be subject to our standard Cancellation Policy.


At Hermes Holidays one of our points-of-difference are our many highlight included excursions and dinners. If for any reason these are unable to be provided (ie. Weather, strike etc.) then no refund shall be given (or value attached). We shall, however, endeavour as much as possible, in these very extreme circumstances, to provide an experience or highlight of similar value where possible.

The carriers, accommodations, and other suppliers (referred to as “the Suppliers” (including but not limited to trains, airlines, cruises, ferries, motor coaches, hotels, and restaurants) providing included sightseeing and excursions (“the Services”) in the area of the holiday itinerary that are available for the booking are not run, supervised or controlled in any way by Hermes Holidays. These services are provided by local operators or other third parties that are entirely independent of Hermes Holidays which has no control over the operations of these independent contractors. Hermes Holidays has no liability for any such activity or excursion or for any act(s) or omission(s) of the organiser or operator or for any of its agents or employees or any other person(s) connected with the activity or excursion.


Security is a major concern to all of us and the situation globally is consistently changing. Events around the world, coupled with the “Travel Advisories” put out by various governments, may at times necessitate changes to the accommodations and itinerary or even trip cancellation. Risks are involved in travel to any country that may experience security difficulties. You must accept these risks and assume responsibility for your own travel decisions.


Hermes Holidays strives to provide a safe, enjoyable, and memorable travel experience for all passengers.  We welcome passengers with special needs or disabilities. However, please note the following:

  • This is a very active tour that requires a lot of walking and a good to above-average level of fitness. This itinerary is not recommended for people with mobility issues.  There is no wheelchair access at the Chateau.
  • Passengers are required to advise Hermes Holidays at the time of booking of any physical, medical, or other special needs that require accommodation. After the time of booking, should a Passenger develop a physical or medical condition that requires accommodation the Passenger is required to advise us immediately.
  • All guests must ensure they are medically and physically fit for travel. Hermes Holidays may impose safety requirements necessary for the safe operation of the tour. We may also exclude an individual from participating in a tour or an activity if that individual’s participation poses a direct threat to their health or safety.
  • Hermes Holidays does not provide personal devices (such as wheelchairs, hearing aids or prescription eyeglasses) or services of a personal nature (such as pushing a wheelchair or assistance in eating, toileting, or dressing). A companion capable of providing such assistance must accompany any passenger who requires services of a personal nature.
  • Hermes Holidays does not employ medical personnel. Any necessary medical attention will be provided by a local facility at the passenger’s expense. Hermes Holidays is not responsible or liable for any losses or costs incurred as a result of medical services obtained while on tour, or for the quality of the care or services received.
  • Passengers should be aware that some tours include rough terrain, extensive walking over cobblestone streets, uneven pavement, steps and locations which may not be easily accessible or accessible by wheelchair. During the tour, we may make arrangements with carriers, hotels and other independent suppliers to provide travel services. These parties are independent entities over which we have no control.
  • Accommodations on international tours may differ from those in your home country. The Company cannot guarantee disability access or accommodations for passengers travelling on international tours.


You must be 18+ years of age at the time the tour/cruise begins.

Hermes Holidays organises vacations primarily for the LGBTI+ community but welcomes anyone, regardless of sexuality or gender identity. We do, however, insist that everyone is treated with respect and will not tolerate any form of homophobia, transphobia, racism or hate speech. We reserve the right to remove anyone, at their own expense, who does not conform to this rule.

Hermes Holidays may, in its sole discretion, decline the booking of any passenger or remove any passenger who cannot comply or refuses to comply with the Company’s terms and conditions. The Company is not responsible for any costs incurred in the event a passenger is removed from a tour. Passengers agree not to hold Hermes Holidays or any of its related entities liable for any actions taken under these terms and conditions.


For the comfort of all our guests, smoking is only permitted in outdoor areas. Smoking is not permitted on motorcoaches. This policy applies to all forms of smoking materials, including vapour e-cigarettes.


The possession and use of recreational drugs and illegal substances whilst on the tour is strictly prohibited and will result in the immediate removal of the guest(s) at their own expense.


Hermes Holidays will deliver the tour component and is referred to as “the operators” and are empowered to undertake the following duties:

  • The operators shall be responsible to the passenger for supplying the services described in the online brochure, except where such services cannot be supplied or the itinerary used is changed due to delays or other causes of whatever kind or nature beyond the control of the comparable services and itineraries and there shall be no refund in this connection.
  • This online brochure represents the entire agreement between the passenger and the above-mentioned operators.
  • In the absence of their own negligence, neither the operators nor their agents or cooperating organisations shall be responsible for any cancellations or for acts of any other service providers concerned, diversions or substitutions of equipment of any act, variations, postponements, omission or default whatsoever by air carriers, land carriers, hoteliers or hotels, transportation companies or any other persons providing any of the services and accommodations to passengers including any results thereof such as changes in services accommodations or facilitations necessitated by same. Nor shall they be liable for any loss or damage to baggage or property or for injury illness or death or for any damages or claims whatsoever arising from loss negligence or delay from the act, error, omission default or negligence of any person not their direct employee or under their exclusive control including any act error omission default or negligence of any country government or governmental authority, officer or employee. All baggage and personal effects are at all times and in all circumstances at the risk of the passenger, Baggage insurance is recommended. The carriers, hotels, and other suppliers who provide services on tour are independent contractors, they are not agents employees or servants of the Operators or their associated companies. The Operators are not responsible for any criminal conduct by third parties.
  • Where the passenger occupies a motorcoach seat fitted with a safety belt, neither the Operators, nor their agents, or cooperating organisations or service providers concerned, will be liable for any injury, illness or death or for any loss or damages or claims whatsoever arising from any accident or incident if the safety belt is not being worn at the time of such accident or injury.
  • Transportation companies, airlines etc are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are not onboard planes, transportation or conveyances. The passenger contracts in use by the airlines or transportation companies when used shall constitute the sole contract between the airline, transportation and passenger or purchaser of this tour and the Operators assume no responsibility in this connection. Enrolment in and payment for a tour shall constitute agreement and acceptance by the passenger of the terms and conditions set forth on this page which cannot be varied except in writing by an officer of the company.
  • Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this e-brochure at the time of going to press: Hermes Holidays cannot be held responsible for printing or typographical errors, or errors arising from unforeseen circumstances in relation to brochures, internet websites or any other printed collateral used to promote the tour. We reserve the right to make corrections as required.
  • All bookings made with any provider of any transport, facilities, meals, other goods or of any services are subject to terms and conditions imposed by them. If you decide that you do not want to visit a country or part of a country you intended to visit because of any law, condition or requirement of any government or governmental authority, official, servant or agent, you are responsible for any costs, expenses, charges, fees, losses or damage incurred as a consequence and any cancellation or amendment fees. Hermes Holidays does not accept any responsibility or liability for your acts, omissions, defaults, conduct, state of health, condition or circumstances.

Agreement: The payment of a deposit shall be deemed your consent to the terms and conditions as presented herein. It is specifically agreed that this agreement is entered into in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, and in the event, any legal or equitable action is initiated concerning the interpretation, enforcement, or breach of any term, obligation, or duty as contained or related to these Terms and Conditions, the exclusive venue for such action shall be solely in the Courts of the State of New South Wales, Australia.  This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the law of the State of New South Wales, without regard to conflicts of law principles. Should your booking arrangements be made by your Travel Agent then the person affecting the booking shall be deemed to have accepted the booking conditions described herein.

14. Additional Terms and Conditions relating specifically to Chateau de Tourreau

Guests will be liable for any damage caused whether by the deliberant, negligence, or reckless act to the room (s), property’s premises or property caused by you.

The Château De Tourreau reserves the right to charge the guest for compensation or make good the cost or expenses incurred or suffered by The Château De Tourreau as a result of the aforesaid.

We reserve the right to charge guests for any damage incurred to their room or the property during your stay, including and without limitation for all property damage, missing or damaged items, smoking fee, cleaning fee, etc. We will make every effort to rectify any damage internally prior to contracting specialist to make the repairs, and therefore will make every effort to keep any costs to a minimum.

Guest’s and commons rooms found with waste strewn around, in complete disorder, and/or “trashed” will be subject for maintenance deep cleaning fee, administration fee and/or third-party fees to be paid for by the guest.

DAMAGE TO ROOM: Damage to rooms, fixtures, furnishing, and equipment including the removal of electronic equipment, towels, artwork, etc. will be charge at full and new replacement value plus any shipping and handling charges. Any damage to property, whether accidental or wilful, is the responsibility of the registered guest for each particular room. Any costs associated with repairs and/or replacement will be charged to the registered guest. In extreme cases, criminal charges will be pursued.

Damage to mattresses and linen including towels, mattress pads, sheets, bedspreads, blankets resulting from the use of body oils, make-up, shoe-polish, etc. will result in a charge for the special cleaning, repair or replacement of the damaged article.

CHATEAU DE TOURREAU HOSPITALITY reserves the right to take action against any guest or visitor found to have tampered or interfered with any detection equipment throughout the hotel, including detector heads in public areas, guest rooms, break glass points and fire extinguishers. Guests or visitors found to have tampered with any fire detection or fire-fighting equipment will be charged with any costs incurred by the hotel due to their actions and will be evicted from the property. Depending on the severity of the guest actions, law enforcement may become involved at the property’s discretion. Should the fact that fire-fighting or detection equipment had been tampered with come to light after the guest has departed, we reserve the right and you hereby authorize us to charge your security deposit card for any damage incurred to a room or the property during your stay, including and without limitation for all property damage, missing or damaged items, smoking fee, cleaning fee, guest compensation, etc.

All staff is trained and required to respond to potential violations of our property Policy/House Rules. Guests who refuse to abide by the reasonable standards and policies established by The Château de Tourreau for safety of all guests, staff, owners, property, and the operation and management of the property will be evicted, with no refund. In addition to the room charge, a minimum € 300,00 cleaning fee per room will be charged for infraction(s) of our Hotel Policy/House Rules.

CHATEAU DE TOURREAU HOSPITALITY is privately owned and operated. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason(s) that does not violate French laws. The Château de Tourreau has a zero-tolerance policy in which we will refuse to admit or refuse service or accommodation in our property or may remove a person, without refund, who refuses to abide by the reasonable standards and policies established by French Law and the owners for the operation and management of the hotel. The Château de Tourreau will refuse service or evict a guest : for refusal or failure to pay for accommodations, is under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other intoxicating substance and acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests or is not in compliance with state liquor laws; acts in a disorderly fashion as to disturb the peace of other guests; is unable to properly supervise their children at all times, seeks to use the property for an unlawful purpose; seeks to bring into the property : an unlawfully possessed firearm; or something, including an explosive or hazardous or toxic substance, that is unlawful to possess and that may be dangerous to other persons; destroys, damages, defaces, or threatens harm to property or guests; causes or permits persons to exceed the maximum allowable occupancy of property, refuses to abide by the reasonable standards or policies established by The Château de Tourreau for the operation and management of our property.


The Château de Tourreau is a 100% Smoke-Free property. For safety and to assure that our facility is not exposed to items or actions that create an odour which is unhealthy and objectionable to our guests and staff, and that is difficult to remove from the air, carpet, walls, and furniture we do not permit smoking tobacco, marijuana, illegal drugs, e-cigarettes, vape pens, vaping, cartridges containing the liquid of nicotine, hookahs, incense, cooking, cigars, candle burning, the use or diffusing of patchouli oil or other strong-smelling plant-based essential oils or synthetic products in our facility.

Guests are encouraged to notify Front Desk staff immediately if they smell cigarette, marijuana, or other objectionable odors. This policy is not intended to stop people from smoking, but to regulate where they smoke and how it affects others. The Smoking Area is provided outside and away from the building. Marijuana is always prohibited. Please throw your cigarettes, cigars, or other in the ashtrays on the table.

A 250€ cleaning fee will be charged to any guest who violates the smoking policy.

Exception on above policy applies to the terrace bedroom. In this room types smoking is allowed on the terrace. Please note, lit tobacco or any other smoking products should never be left unattended and may only be put out in the ashtray.

It is not allowed to move or to remove furniture. Not in the room, or between rooms. It is also not allowed to move or remove the decoration or electrical appliances or use them for personal purposes other than for which they are intended. Our staff will put everything back in its original place, and possible damage will be charged on your security deposit.